Saturday, June 29, 2013



     One of the least talked about, yet most important, governmental programs in the entire history of the United States of America was the program developed by J. Edgar Hoover knows as "Cointelpro". "Cointelpro" or The Counter-Intelligence Program was a set of strategies & tactics developed & used to destroy the Black Power, Civil Rights & Anti-War movements of the 1950's & 1960's. The FBI,under the leadership of J. Edgar Hoover, used all types of tricks, lies & even outright murder to disrupt various Black organizations. The list of organizations targeted included : the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Nation of Islam, & the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. Keep in mind that this is just a partial list of the groups that the FBI worked to destroy.  Even though these organizations had different philosophies, ideologies, and objectives, Hoover viewed all of them as a threat to "National Security". As I pointed out in a previous post, Hoover had worked to destroy Black organizations since the 1920's, when he set out to "neutralize" Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). Hoover's FBI used all of it's resources to, as he put it, prevent the rise of a  "Black Messiah".
    While Hoover & the FBI initiated these programs, they also enlisted the help of local law enforcement. The NYPD had informants in Malcolm X's OAAU & in the NOI's Temple #7 in Harlem. Eugene Roberts, a NYPD informant, was Malcolm X's Chief of Security. Roberts convinced Min. Malcolm to suspend the weapons check procedure that Malcolm had brought with him from the NOI. It was this decision, to suspend normal security protocols, that allowed weapons to be brought into OAAU meeting on that fateful day. If not for Roberts "advice" to Min. Malcolm on Feb. 21, 1965, Malcolm X would not have been assassinated in the Audobon Ballroom. Roberts would go on to infiltrate the New York chapter of the Black Panther Party. He would eventually set them up on domestic terrorism charges, leading to the famous "Panther 21" trial in 1969. Roberts should go down in Afrikan history as one of the most despicable Race traitors in the history of Black America. In an interesting  aside, one of the defendants in the "Panther 21" case was Afeni Shakur, mother of legendary rapper Tupac Shakur.
     The NYPD was not the only local police department that was fully integrated into Hoover's conspiracy. The Chicago police department murdered Fred Hampton, the 21 year old Chairman of the Chicago Chapter of the Black Panther Party. An informant had drawn plans of Hampton's apartment for the police. He also drugged Hampton's food so that he would not react when the shooting started. The police fired over 100 rounds into the house where Hampton was staying that night. After the shooting stopped, 2 police officers went into Hampton's bedroom & shot him 2 times at point blank range to make sure that he was dead. These are the types of crimes that were committed by the United States government & local police forces in the not too distant past.
     By now I know someone reading this is thinking, well, that was a long time ago. What does that have to do with anything that is going on today ? That is a good question. The history that I have given you shows a pattern that we can learn from. Let's see if we can find similar patterns of disruption going on against people and organizations that are around today. The Occupy Wall Street Movement sprang out of nowhere in September of 2011 and quickly spread throughout the country. The largely peaceful group wasn't so much an organization as it was an amalgamation of people who were fed up with the status quo. The movement quickly spread nationally & began to have influence in the political discourse proceeding the 2012 elections. What we would find out later is that the FBI & the DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) were monitoring the movement almost from it's inception. After allowing months of protests, rallies & teach-ins, the government made it's move. All across the country local police displaced "Occupy" encampments, sometimes using brutal force. The "Occupy" Movement was swiftly & summarily dealt with in a manner that suggested a nationally coordinated attack by local law enforcement & Federal authorities.
     The Federal & local police agencies reaction to Occupy was just the tip of the iceberg. The CIA actually had officers working with the NYPD to monitor Islamic Communities in New York City. That program quickly spread to surveillance of Muslims all along the East Coast. This surveillance activity by the CIA is probably illegal since according to the 1947 "National Security Act" that created the agency, it is prohibited from operating on American soil. This law apparently did not stop the creation of a joint CIA/NYPD task force whose sole purpose was to spy on Muslims. Interestingly, the part of the Muslim community that the task force was most fearful of was the native born Black Muslim Ummah. This despite the fact that these are the Muslims who have been least likely to engage in any type of terrorist activity here or abroad.
      Recently, it has been revealed that the NSA is, in essence, spying on everyone in America. This is the type of surveillance capability J. Edgar Hoover could only dream of. The government is monitoring millions of phones, tapping into ISP providers & working with companies like Verizon, Google & Microsoft to monitor internet activity. The PRISM program of the NSA was recently revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The mainstream press has chosen to focus on Snowden & largely ignored the magnitude of the PRISM program. The attacks on Snowden's character in the press are reminiscent of the type of propaganda used against Black leaders back in the 1960's. The CIA has been using the press for propaganda purposes since the 1950's. For more information on these activities research "Operation Mockingbird". Let us not forget that drones are flying over domestic airspace as you read this. Many local police departments have weapons & equipment that looks like it belongs on a battlefield in Iraq or Afghanistan. The fact is, America has quietly evolved into a police state.
    With the current climate of fear among the populace of America, it is quite easy to use the types of tricks & lies developed by J. Edgar Hoover to attack any group or organization which is deemed a danger to "National Security." We have seen a example of this with the governments placement of Assata Shakur on the FBI's most wanted list. Ms. Shakur has been labelled a "domestic terrorist" by the government. They have placed a 2 million dollar bounty on her head. That was quickly followed by the mysterious death of the grandson of Min. Malcolm X, Malcolm Shabazz. Shabazz was murdered in Mexico under very suspicious circumstances. Before his death, he was detained by the authorities & not allowed to leave on a planned trip to Iran. Mr. Shabazz was becoming known for his budding activism & for speaking out against injustices against Afrikan people in America. He also was becoming a spokesman for Muslims in America.
     If these events weren't enough to convince you that "Cointelpro" is still in effect, there's one more case to be discussed. That is the case of the "NBPP 3". In late June, the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) held a press conference announcing the 15th anniversary of the Million Youth March, to be held in New York City on September 7th of this year. Hours later, the National Field Marshall King Samir Shabazz & 2 other Panther leaders were arrested on weapons charges. One of the other men, Mikhail Muhammad, leads the Panther chapter responsible for announcing the bounty on George Zimmerman. That bounty would lead to Zimmerman's arrest for the murder of Trayvon Martin. The Panthers reportedly had plans to monitor the trial of Zimmerman in Florida. King Samir has long been known as the most controversial of all the New Panther leaders.
      The arrest of these 3 leaders puts a serious dent in the upcoming plans of the NBPP. It will divert time & resources that would have gone to other activities. This is strangely reminiscent of the police and FBI tactics used against the original Panther Party. In the 60's the police would continuously harass & arrest Panther leaders. This would cause the Panthers to have to focus on getting various people out on bail, or procuring lawyers for their cases instead of building the organization. The harassment also led to fights & splits within the Panther leadership. It appears that the FBI, NYPD & others have chosen plays right out of Hoover's old playbook. This is not to say that the "NBPP 3" are innocent. It is to say that the timing of the arrests & the persons involved in the case should lead Black People to be very suspicious. After all, we have definitely seen this type of behavior from the government before. Every Afrikan in America should automatically be suspicious of any of claims of criminality made by the government against pro-Black leaders & organizations. Remember, their goal was and still is "to prevent the Rise of a Black Messiah."

Wednesday, June 26, 2013



     As a third generation resident of Washington DC, I have seen and heard a lot of history in and around the nation's capitol. The DC that I grew up in (and around) was a city that was governed by Black people. Not only was the mayor Black, but many of the people working for the DC government & even the Federal government were also Black. This created a Black political & economic class that spread from the city out to nearby Prince George's County. As a result, P.G. County would become the richest Black enclave in the country in the early 1990's. Many Black people were able to send their children to college in hopes of helping them to enjoy even more of a middle class lifestyle. In this region, and several others around the country, it appeared the American dream was finally about to be realized.
     That American dream had a downside of course. During this same period of economic progress for Afrikans in America, a new scourge was unleashed on Afrikan people. That scourge was "crack" cocaine. It was unleashed in the early 1980's on the West coast of America and made it's way across the country. No one at that time knew that it had been invented & propagated by the United States government. Yes, you read that correctly. The US government & the CIA specifically, caused the crack cocaine epidemic in America.  For more on that subject you will need to read or at least look up Gary Webb's book "Dark Alliance". You will also need to look up the Iran-Contra scandal that took place when Ronald Reagan was in office. I could go more in depth on that subject, but that is not the purpose of this particular post. I just wanted to outline a little history of the Washington DC region from an Afrikan perspective.
     By now some of U are thinking what does this have to do with "ethnic cleansing"? Well, a background history has to be laid in order to understand how the demographics of the city came about. The reason that PG County became so rich is because many of the former residents of the District of Columbia started to flee the city because of the crack epidemic. The drug abuse led to a record murder rate, as well as an increase in crime overall. Parts of DC became a veritable war zone where shootouts reminiscent of a Hollywood "Westerns" would occur virtually every weekend. This crime led to a slow erosion of property values in the city. Some smaller Black owned businesses were able to thrive because of a loyal clientele, but larger white owned businesses fled the city or went out of business. This was the state of the economy in the city for about a decade.
    During this time period, Washington DC was a city with a 70 to 80% Afrikan population. The white population that had inhabited DC in the 1st half of the 20th century had fled to the suburban counties of Maryland and Virginia. All of that would begin to change with the arrest & prosecution of Mayor Marion S. Barry on drug charges in 1990. Even before Barry's arrest there were those who spoke of "The Plan". "The Plan" referred to a supposed plot to reverse the current demographics of the city from overwhelmingly Black to primarily white. Barry received support during his trial because of the belief that his arrest by the FBI was a part of this plan. While Barry would eventually be released and re-elected to yet another term as mayor, changes could be seen as soon as he was out of office in 1999. The "Homestead Act" was passed that gave tax breaks to 1st time home buyers in the city. New retail areas featuring "big box stores" were announced.  Plans to remodel schools in certain areas of the city, while closing other schools were unveiled. Public housing across the city was torn down but never replaced. Slowly but surely the details of "The Plan" were unveiled to the general public.
     The Washington DC of today is much more ethnically diverse than the "Chocolate City" of my youth. Some people would view that as a good thing. I myself am not a believer in diversity for diversity's sake. I also know that when Europeans move in, they usually find a way to move Afrikans out. The latest figures have the city at a nearly 50-50 split of Afrikans to Europeans. This statistic of course overlooks economics. As more whites move in they push up the cost of living, causing more Afrikans to have to live elsewhere. The economic diversity of the city has been greatly reduced as more middle class Afrikans leave for the cheaper suburbs of Maryland. If the trends continue, DC will be a city of rich white elites with an small enclave of impoverished Afrikans locked East of the River. While pristine new housing & retail is being constructed, whole neighborhoods are being completely obliterated. The new residents are even renaming neighborhoods to change the identity of the areas that they now control. From my vantage point, what the city is gaining in tax dollars, it's losing in culture & "soul". The ethnic cleansing of DC is yet another stark reminder of the complete powerlessness of Afrikan people to withstand any onslaught by Europeans be it economic or military. Even when they know the plans of Europeans before they're executed.

Friday, June 21, 2013



    Yesterday I read that the case against the police officer who murdered Aiyana Jones in Detroit in 2010 was declared a mistrial. Needless to say, the outcome of the trial was only a surprise in that the cop wasn't outright acquitted of all charges. In all my years on this Earth, I can not recall hearing about a police officer ever being convicted of murdering a Black person. This is not to say that it has never happened in the history of the United States, just that it is an incredibly rare occurrence. Some officers have been convicted of lesser charges such as involuntary manslaughter, but not murder. The number of police murders of young Afrikans here in America continues unabated, and real justice is never received. At some point Afrikans have to recognize these murders for what they are & call it like it is. It is part of the war against our children and against Afrikan people in general.
     Now I know that statement is inflammatory to say the least, so let's look at the facts. The murder of Black children & adolescents by police officers is only 1 aspect of this war. Black children suffer from the most poverty, they generally attend the worst schools, eat the worst food & often live in the worst neighborhoods. As many know, 70% of Afrikan children are born to single parents. This is not to say that a single parent cant raise a child, but it is not the ideal. It has become obvious after 2 generations of this type of family structure that our communities are becoming completely dysfunctional. If you disagree with this fact, then there is no need to read any further. You are living in an alternate reality.
     In light of the previous stats & facts, we must come to the conclusion that the events are not coincidental. The condition of our communities have actually gotten worst with the selection of America's " first Black" president. His unwillingness or inability to even verbally address the problems of Afrikans in America speaks volumes. We get speeches about personal responsibility, while bankers get free money, homosexuals get executive orders written for them, and "Latinos" get a national speaking tour in favor or immigration reform. All of this while Black children die by the hundreds in Mr. Obama's adopted home of Chicago. In that same city, Mr. Obama's former cabinet member decides that closing more schools in the city will help those same children learn better. His example is also being followed in other cities such as Washington DC, Philadelphia & New York City. These school closings overwhelmingly are affecting Afrikan children. We can expect this pattern to continue nationwide, with the excuse being the need for budget cuts because of the sluggish economy.
     Another aspect of the War on Afrikan children is the school to prison pipeline. I have seen video in the last couple of years of police officers handcuffing children as young as 6 YEARS OLD. Afrikan children are being suspended and expelled for the smallest infractions. If that's not enough we have "Stop & Frisk" in NYC, where young people are constantly harassed by the police for walking while Black. I have seen reports that other cities considering adopting New York's "Stop & Frisk" tactics. So our children are treated as criminals before school, during school & after school. At what point will Afrikans recognize the signs of an ongoing attack on our youth ? What will it take for us to say enough is enough ? The sad part is that these tactics are just a part of the all out assault on Afrikan children in America. The reality is that these things will continue to take place until we as a people make them stop, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY !!!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


     The recent revelation that the NSA is actively monitoring the phone numbers of every American in the United States has become a big story. Other revelations about monitoring of the internet, the ability to read e-mails & back doors in web browsers that allow the government direct access were revealed later. Some people were outraged at the lengths the government has gone in the name "National Security" & "fighting terrorism", while others believe that such measures are needed to keep them safe. The media has spent a lot of time focusing on the person that leaked this information. Some people have focused on whether or not this type of activity by the government is legal & Constitutional. I, of course, have a completely different view & focus on the entire matter. I always like to study the history of any subject in order to find the real truth of the matter.
    When we talk about the "Surveillance State" as it has become to be known, the history of it intersects directly with the history of resistance to oppression by Afrikans in America. The first people in this country to be spied on constantly of course were Afrikan POW's. I have tried to stop using the word slaves because it has become an antiseptic term that doesn't really capture the horrors of the Maafa. In fact, the term comes from "Slav" referring to people from the Southeastern corner of Europe. These people are obviously not Afrikans, but let's return to the subject of this post. Before the United States was even a nation, Afrikans were spied upon & kept under surveillance using the technology of the day. That technology included other captured Afrikans, Mulattoes & other people with various admixtures of DNA. These people are commonly referred to in modern times as House Negroes, Uncle Toms & Sambos. They were the eyes & ears of the state, along with the overseers & the slave catchers. The slave catchers are the direct ancestors of the modern police force here in America.
     Later on in the post Reconstruction era, the law enforcement in the South was largely done by the KKK. The Klan was largely made up of former Confederate soldiers who were upstanding citizens by day, and white terrorists by night. The original KKK started in Tennessee & spread throughout the South. These same  people were often the sheriffs of towns in the rural South. The judges were often Jewish allies of the Klan, that would turn a blind eye to any atrocities committed by their "white brethren." Unbeknownst to many, the original KKK actually had Jewish members & Jewish funders. Many times, the KKK bought it's robes, ropes, whips, boots & other equipment from Jewish merchants in the South. The Klan was not the only white organization created to keep Afrikans in line during the Reconstruction and post Reconstruction eras. There were groups such as the "Red Shirts", the"Southern Cross" & the "Knights of the white Camelia". All of these groups served the same purpose as the modern FBI, NSA & CIA serve today, to preserve white Domination of Afrikan people.
    Now, I know some of you reading this is are thinking that my last statement is quite ludicrous. How can I possibly equate the KKK with the FBI ? Once again, history reveals hidden truths. One of the least known facts about the FBI is it's early history of harassing & destroying  Afrikan freedom movements. In fact, it's later pattern of tricks, lies & set-ups know as "Cointelpro" was first used against the greatest post-colonial Afrikan freedom organization in the world, the UNIA & ACL. The UNIA was founded in 1914 in Jamaica by the Rt. Hon. Marcus M. Garvey. Garvey's movement would go on to spread throughout the world with chapters on five continents. The membership of the U.N.I.A would eventually number over 5 million Afrikans worldwide. Garvey's basic objective was to unite & organize all Afrikan people worldwide in order to change the condition of Black people for the better.
    The question some of you are thinking is what does that have to do with the surveillance state ? Well, it was J. Edgar Hoover of the Bureau of Investigation (B.O.I.) that initiated the investigation that would lead to the destruction of Garvey's organization. Yes, the very same Hoover that would go on to head the FBI in later years. The BOI was the precursor to the modern FBI. Hoover hired Black agents to spy on Garvey's organization in New York City. They were ordered to find something on Garvey that would allow the government to deport him or jail him. Once that order was given, the UNIA started having all types of problems including missing funds, stolen records & missed payments on bills. The UNIA was infiltrated by agents who were paid to disrupt it's activities. The agents even stayed in the organization after Garvey's trial which led to his conviction. They helped open a rift in the group between supporters of Garvey's 2nd wife & Garvey's old friend Duse Muhammad Ali. Without a charismatic leader like Garvey or even Ali, the UNIA greatly declined.
   As we can see, the type of surveillance of which is now in effect in America has it's roots in the suppression of the struggles for freedom Afrikan people. The excuse is always used by the ruling elite that this type of snooping is needed to make people safe. The targets are always the people who are judged to be the greatest threat to the established order. More often than not, those people are Afrikans. The fact that the government would try to intercept literally every form of electronic communication in the US is no shock to Black people. We have a long history of being spied on. The state has long feared the rise of Black people & has done everything in it's power to prevent that rise. Make no mistake, while this new surveillance is being used to spy on all citizens, the focus will continue to be Afrikans here in America. The murder of our young prince Malcolm Shabazz & the bounty on Mother Assata Shakur prove that what the US fears most is still the rise of the Black Messiah.

Monday, June 10, 2013



    One of the things that often comes up in conversations among Black people when there are no Euros around is the lack of credible Black leadership. Even people who aren't necessarily conscious or politically active seem to notice this void of leadership. I've heard Brothers & Sisters in barbershops, corner stores, hospitals & pool halls talk about this. The conversation usually starts when an obvious racial incident happens like the Trayvon Martin murder. In that case the people themselves organized and forced the hands of the system to attempt to remedy the situation. The case rattled around the twitterverse & then went to Black radio. Much later the mainstream media began to cover the case once they witnessed the outrage of the Black community. This mass reaction by the general Black community was definitely an anomaly. One of those events that occurs every 3 years or so that gets Black people outraged, then they slowly go back to their usual slumbering selves.
    The question is why are the people so easy to quell ? What keeps them seemingly content ? I say seemingly content because when you get people alone you hear a lot of discontent in the Black community. So, what happens to these feelings of dissatisfaction among our people? Well, they are usually redirected towards each other. This happens in the form of Black on Black crime, domestic violence, sexually promiscuity & other negative avenues. These things are usually blamed on self-hate, which is true but doesn't fully explain the behaviour. What's often overlooked is the effect of Black Leadership mis-directing these energies into useless activities. These activities include marching, praying, protesting  & voting. Black Leadership also gives incorrect analysis of the events which confuses the masses of our people. These so-called leaders are always on the scene, in front of the cameras, to give the illusion of actually working for our people. The question is, if these "leaders" are working for our people, then why are our communities in such a pitiful condition ? What work are they actually doing, and for whom? These are questions that need to be asked and answered if any progress is going to be made by Afrikans in America in the 21st century.
     Whenever I try to uncover the truth of any subject, I always explore it's history. Tracing the complete history of Black leadership in America is beyond the scope of this blog so I'll focus on the "Civil Rights" era. This is a period of time & a movement that most people are familiar with, however, most people only know a version of that history given to us by the ruling elite. The real facts on who controlled those iconic leaders is never discussed. The best analysis that I've heard about "Civil rights" leaders came from Malcolm X. In his "Message to the Grassroots" speech in 1963, he reveals how Europeans co-opted the famous "March on Washington." They placed the "Big 6" Civil Rights leaders of that day in charge and completely changed the focus of the march. It has been alleged that King's "I Have a Dream" speech was actually written by Stanley Levinson. Who, you say ? Levinson was a New York based Jewish businessman who befriended King in 1956. He was a fundraiser, advisor  & speechwriter for King. Most people have never heard of him.
    The thing about Stanley Levinson is that he is not the anomaly that he appears to be. If we look further into history, we will find silent Jewish backers of several integrationist leaders. The NAACP was co-founded by a Jew named Henry Moskowitz & a Jewish son of a slave owner named William Walling. A few years into the organizations existance, more Jews were added to the Board of Directors. People like Joel Spingarn, Jacob Schiff. & Julius Rosenwald took prominent positions in the organization. They controlled the direction & focus of the organization for decades. In fact, the NAACP went 65 years before it was headed by a Black Man. For those 65 years every leader of the group was a Jew. Now we must ask the question, are there any Jewish organizations that have had Black people in leadership positions for decades ?  I think we all know the answer to that question. Julius Rosenwald would found a group that helped to fund the infamous "Tuskegee Experiment" that purposely infected Black Men with syphilis. With "friends" like these, who needs enemies.
     As we can see, the history of "Civil Rights" leadership lends to the asking  of some important questions. If these "leaders" were in fact led by & funded by other people then where are they leading us ? Who really crafted the strategies & objectives of the "Civil Rights" movement ? Who has really benefitted from the strategies that these groups employed ? These are questions that our community needs to answer if we have any hope of achieving real freedom in the 21st century and beyond.


Thursday, June 6, 2013



   The other day I went into the effects of mass incarceration that are rarely discussed or addressed in the Black community. We can no longer expect the larger society to address the problems in our community. To state it as plain as possible, these people don't give a damn about us. Don't let the selection of Mr. Obama confuse you, he is an enemy to Afrikan people. That is a statement that I will expound on at a later date. The point of this post is to continue looking at the unseen problems that mass incarceration has caused in the Black community. I state has caused because the problem began when I was a child & now we are seeing a myriad of negative effects. As I previously stated, it is now a multi-generational problem.
    One of the things that occurs when you remove a significant amount of men from a nation is that the women's view of the importance of manhood gets distorted. As more women have grown up without fathers, their feelings about men are shaped though the lens of that experience. The person who should be the first man that she meets essentially abandons her. This sets in motion all types of  psychological & emotional reactions that most people will never realize. This fatherly absence is, of course, not limited to women. The greater effect has been on Black boys. A large percentage of Black boys never get to see an example of positive Black manhood. They see manhood through the lens of popular media, like music & movies. These media are totally controlled by the enemies of Black people. They present a view of manhood which is completely against traditional Afrikan ideals. The last two generations of Black males have learned to be predators of Black Women as opposed to being  protectors of Black Women.
    Mass incarceration & the Drug War on Afrikans have helped to tear the foundation of Black people here in America, the family. Afrikan culture is family-centric unlike European culture. When I say family, I don't mean the definition that has been the American ideal that includes a couple, a child or two & a dog. The Afrikan conception of family includes granparents, uncles, cousins, great aunts & people that have known the family for years & they just get included after a while. In an Afrikan family, you can find yourself virtually adopted by your best friend's family if your not careful. This connectedness has been strained with the absence of large numbers of men. These men often have trouble reconnecting with family & never overcome their experiences in jail. They can become living ghosts.
    Another aspect is the economic impact. Large numbers of people are working in jail for slave wages, while their families are struggling. Unemployment in general society is about 7.5% in the general society. In prisons it is absolutely 0%. Every person in jail has a job, just like during Afrikan Enslavement. How much money is missing from our communities when able bodied Black men are working for corporations at slave wages in a prison ? How much more productive could they be if they were able to do those same jobs outside of prison walls ? Privately owned prisons charge prisoners excessive amounts of money for phone privileges. This money comes out of the pockets of their friends & families because they can't earn enough money to even be able to call home. Many incarcerated individuals will tell U that those phone calls are often the only things between them remaining sane & total despair.
    To be totally honest, the phenomenon of mass incarceration is simply an instrument of war against Afrikan people here in America. The outcomes are not only known by the ruling elite of this country, but are the outcomes which they desire. The number of babies who aren't born because large numbers of Black Men spend their reproductive years incarcerated is problably as many as 1 or 2 million. Add to that the number of men coming out of these facilities with HIV, and you have an excellent tool to decrease the Black population in America. The simple reality is that mass incarceration is a tool of slow genocide.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013



    In the process of putting this blog together I have asked for input from people who's insight & opinions I trust. I not only trust their judgement, but I also trust in their ability to criticize my work & ideas with love. Not the type of love we often hear about here in the West, but the type that includes telling the person you love the truth. So, one of the questions that has come up the most is "what does ABIBIFAHODIE' mean ?" Somehow it never even occurred to me to explain that word & why I use it. I have become so accustomed to using it in certain circles & hearing it that it has become part of my standard vocabulary. That of course does not mean that it is commonly used among the people. It is not. In fact, the usage of the term in "Conscious" circles is relatively recent. So I decided to give a brief explanation with the help of the Brother who basically is popularizing the phrase.
    In short, "ABIBIFAHODIE'" is an AKAN or TWI word that means "Afrikan Liberation". The AKAN people are found primarily in Ghana & Cote' D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) , two countries on the west coast of  Afrika. The term has been put into parlance among the Afrikan Centered Community by Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti of the Akoben House. Akoben House is an Afrikan Centered educational institution in Atlanta. Brother Baruti believes that words have power, and that we should use Afrikan words to express ourselves whenever possible. The term "ABIBIFAHODIE'" is an affirmation. We should use it to remind ourselves of what the goal of Afrikan people should be, which is sovereignty or liberation. I thought that he made a compelling argument and so I personally decided to adopt the practice myself. Afrikans in America use all types of terminology that originates from other people, so why not a few Afrikan words for good measure. It is a small step in the pursuit of regaining the knowledge of ourselves, our history & our culture as Afrikan people.
    This is just a small explanation of the meaning, origin & purpose of the term "ABIBIFAHODIE'". The pronunciation is as follows: AH-BE-BE-FAH-HOE-DE-AYE. The following video by Brother Baruti will go into further detail. There is also a link that explains who the Akan people are & it also goes into some of their history. I hope that you find these materials both informative & inspirational.


Monday, June 3, 2013



     A Sister that I follow on twitter asked an interesting question last week. She asked what did people think was the cause of the rapid rise of HIV rates in Black women in the last few years. I responded that the mass incarceration of Black Males was at least a part of the cause & she agreed. That short conversation caused me to ponder, what other problems in our communities can be traced back to mass incarceration ? The list of problems got longer the more I thought about it.
      Let's take the stat of 70% of Black children being born out of wedlock. With nearly half a million marriage age Black Men incarcerated surely their must be some correlation between these two events. It's fair to assume that at least 20% of these men have children. How many Black Women will marry a man in jail ? A few will, but the percentages are small. Either way, that leaves the children of these Black men in some form of single family home. In fact, some of these men undoubtedly ended up in jail trying to make money in the underground economy to provide 4 these very same children. This is not a new phenomenon, but has been going on since the crack boom of the 1980's.
      Mass incarceration has become a multi-generational phenomenon. This has led to an alteration of Black communal culture. Homosexuality of both men & women has become more accepted especially among younger people. The question is how & why. Well, this too is partially an outgrowth of mass incarceration. Jail culture is rampant with homosexuality. Many of the men in jail do not consider themselves "gay" even though they engage in this type of  behaviour. What was often overlooked was that many of these men continued this type of activity once they were let out of these institutions. This is the origin of the "downlow" phenomenon of the late 90's & early 2000's. Thousands of Black Men were engaging in homosexual acts while carrying on heterosexual relationships with their wives & girlfriends. Rarely did the wives & girlfriends of these men ever suspect their "Men" were in fact homosexuals.
     Another unfortunate outgrowth of the exporting of jail culture into the Black community has been an increase of incidents of pedophilia. This is an unspoken truth. No 1 wants to speak on it in public but U hear about incidents more & more. Few people attribute this to mass incarceration, but let's think about it. A person spends 10 years in an environment where people are systematically raped & assaulted. They receive no counseling to address this issue when they are let out of prison. We know that most pedophiles were abused when they were children, but what about grown men who are raped ? What are the effects on their psyche ? If you will prey on grown men, what stops U from preying on little children ? This is something that definitely needs to be addressed in the Black community. I am not aware of any studies on this issue, so this is merely educated conjecture, however, we should protect our children at all costs. I would advise all single mothers who bring new men into their lives to shield their children until they get to know these men. Our children are too valuable to allow them to become prey to damaged individuals who are being unleashed in our communities.


Sunday, June 2, 2013



    Last week Mr. Obama made a speech dealing with America's foreign policy, focusing on the continuing "War on Terror". In the speech, he tried to clarify America's drone usage & justify the necessity of the program. As I listened for about 3 minutes, the following thought came 2 me. Who the hell gets to determine what is and is not terrorism ? It's a thought that should occur to every person in America, but I doubt very seriously that it does. The very concept of a "War on Terror" is contingent on the person making war having the ability to define what is & what is not terrorism. In this case, that person is the Commander in Chief of the United States of America, President Barack Hussein Obama.
    The thing that makes this whole "War on Terror" concept so dangerous is the fact that war has been declared on a tactic. Indeed, the government is actually claiming it is making physical war on a concept, an idea. Terrorism is not a thing. U can't kill it. U can't shoot it. U can't bomb it. In order to pursue this war, you have to bomb, shoot, & kill real human beings. When you start killing real people, the people who love those people usually do not take kindly to such actions. The usual result is that they want to kill you, because you murdered someone that they love. Needless to say, this will lead to more "acts of terror", which leads to more war. This is the vicious cycle of war that the United States is currently involved. Every drone strike, every night raid & all the collateral damage they cause, creates more enemies for America. In essence, more so-called terrorists.
     This brings me to the actual concept of what is terrorism. 92 years ago on May 31st, 1921 at least 100 Black people were murdered in Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Hundreds more people were raped & tortured. If this isn't terrorism I don't know what is, but U will never hear these types of incidents referred to in that manner. The Maafa (Great Disaster) known in the West as the slave trade was a period of mass terrorism against Afrikan people on the continent & here in the West. At least 100 million Afrikans were kidnapped from their homelands. Whole civilizations were completely destroyed. Tens of millions of Afrikans were murdered in this great War. Never have these horrible events in history been referred to as "terrorism" as far as I know. If these types of atrocities are not "terrorism", then how can anything else fit the definition.
    The dictionary definition of terrorism reads as follows: "the systematic use of violence & intimidation to achieve some goal." By this definition, Black people in America, especially the poor ones, are victims of terrorism every single day. With policies like "Stop & Frisk", rampant police brutality, mass incarceration & massive poverty, many Afrikans in America live everyday in a low level state of terror. Many try to escape this state of anxiety with drugs, sex, religion, television, video games or the pursuit of "success". All of these things are forms of escapism from the terrifying realities of white Domination.
     So, as we see, terrorism like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One man's terrorist is another man's revolutionary. For me, one thing seems abundantly clear. Whenever acts of violence are committed against Afrikan people by Europeans it may be referred to as a lot of things, but it will never be considered terrorism. That special designation is reserved for different people & under different circumstances. After all, America doesn't do those types of things. That whole committing acts of terror & that whole torture thing is done by those other people. America is a nation of  laws, a democracy. America would never stoop to that barbaric level, right ??? Just a little something to ponder, the next time you hear the word terrorism.
