Last week Mr. Obama made a speech dealing with America's foreign policy, focusing on the continuing "War on Terror". In the speech, he tried to clarify America's drone usage & justify the necessity of the program. As I listened for about 3 minutes, the following thought came 2 me. Who the hell gets to determine what is and is not terrorism ? It's a thought that should occur to every person in America, but I doubt very seriously that it does. The very concept of a "War on Terror" is contingent on the person making war having the ability to define what is & what is not terrorism. In this case, that person is the Commander in Chief of the United States of America, President Barack Hussein Obama.
The thing that makes this whole "War on Terror" concept so dangerous is the fact that war has been declared on a tactic. Indeed, the government is actually claiming it is making physical war on a concept, an idea. Terrorism is not a thing. U can't kill it. U can't shoot it. U can't bomb it. In order to pursue this war, you have to bomb, shoot, & kill real human beings. When you start killing real people, the people who love those people usually do not take kindly to such actions. The usual result is that they want to kill you, because you murdered someone that they love. Needless to say, this will lead to more "acts of terror", which leads to more war. This is the vicious cycle of war that the United States is currently involved. Every drone strike, every night raid & all the collateral damage they cause, creates more enemies for America. In essence, more so-called terrorists.
This brings me to the actual concept of what is terrorism. 92 years ago on May 31st, 1921 at least 100 Black people were murdered in Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Hundreds more people were raped & tortured. If this isn't terrorism I don't know what is, but U will never hear these types of incidents referred to in that manner. The Maafa (Great Disaster) known in the West as the slave trade was a period of mass terrorism against Afrikan people on the continent & here in the West. At least 100 million Afrikans were kidnapped from their homelands. Whole civilizations were completely destroyed. Tens of millions of Afrikans were murdered in this great War. Never have these horrible events in history been referred to as "terrorism" as far as I know. If these types of atrocities are not "terrorism", then how can anything else fit the definition.
The dictionary definition of terrorism reads as follows: "the systematic use of violence & intimidation to achieve some goal." By this definition, Black people in America, especially the poor ones, are victims of terrorism every single day. With policies like "Stop & Frisk", rampant police brutality, mass incarceration & massive poverty, many Afrikans in America live everyday in a low level state of terror. Many try to escape this state of anxiety with drugs, sex, religion, television, video games or the pursuit of "success". All of these things are forms of escapism from the terrifying realities of white Domination.
So, as we see, terrorism like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One man's terrorist is another man's revolutionary. For me, one thing seems abundantly clear. Whenever acts of violence are committed against Afrikan people by Europeans it may be referred to as a lot of things, but it will never be considered terrorism. That special designation is reserved for different people & under different circumstances. After all, America doesn't do those types of things. That whole committing acts of terror & that whole torture thing is done by those other people. America is a nation of laws, a democracy. America would never stoop to that barbaric level, right ??? Just a little something to ponder, the next time you hear the word terrorism.
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